Festive Facts About 'Twas the Night Before...

There are 16 men and 10 women in each cast of ‘Twas the Night Before…, which is much fewer than some of our larger touring or resident productions.

Despite the smaller cast, we’re proud to have performers representing 14 different countries!

Our Roller Skaters can reach speeds of 30 mph while skating on a platform that’s just 6 ft in diameter and weighs 350 lbs.

In the Diabolo Act, 8 diabolos are used simultaneously, reaching a speed of 20 turns per second.

Our Hair Suspension artist performs approx. 100 turns in her performance. Her hair can withstand 250 lbs. of pressure, and she spins as fast as 7x per second!

In the Hoop Diving act, the highest hoop is set at 10 ft, and the smallest hoop is 18 in. in diameter.

The show is made possible by a touring crew of 17 support staff.

With 100 tons of equipment, it takes our crew a total of 800 hours for load in and 200 hours for load out.

If all the cables in the show were connected in one line, it would extend 5 miles.

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